Baylee made the sophomore softball team at Lone Peak Highschool! I'm excited for her... so far she is starting short stop and doing really well. I'm impressed, daily, with her athleticism. I always played sports and made the teams but never was a starter or the STAR!

One sacrifice is... back to the daily rides. We have to drive her from the Jr High to the Highschool everyday for practices and games. Which is a good 20 to 30 minute drive. We did start a car pool at least but I still have to pick her up every night. (P.S. Baylee burned herself with the curling iron... it is NOT what you think, no boyfriends until she is in college!)

Driving a mini van full of girls!
Am I really old enough? It seems like just yesterday I was the one playing!

My kids are troopers,
always going along for a ride. The dvd player helps. I don't know how Moms these days live without it!
Congrats Baylee!
And NO you are not old enough to be driving a bunch of teenagers around. Your kids are troopers!
Congratulations Baylee! Way to go. We love you! YOU'RE a trooper too, Karlin. I know Baylee appreciates it.
That is so awesome for Baylee! What a little athlete that girl is... and love the mini van. They are really so much easier I hear.
WAY TO GO, BAY! I knew you could do it! And way to go Karlin-- you win the award for best taxi driver! Softball season = warm weather, right?
Wade's sister goes to Lone Peak...i wonder if Baylee knows her. She is a senior though, so probably not. I can't even imagine having a car full of teenage girls, what do they talk about? Ha ha. I'm scared.
Karlin! Thanks for the message. I've actually been checking out your blog too__from Steph's. This is a fun way to stay in touch.
What a woman, raising teenagers! I am sad to hear about your mom. It must still be so hard_I really admire you for the role you've taken on. I don't know the details of your mother's illness, but my Aunt is going through that right now & it is so painful for our whole's hard enough with it being my Aunt, but my Mother? I can't imagine. You are amazing. What a family you have, I think you're incredible. Keep up the great job..
By the way, your house is beautiful (and all those cute kids)!! Happy Easter.
Karlin, thanks for your comment. Trish told us you were in her ward, and Ashlee and Lohren love teaching Avaree in primary. What a small world! It looks like you are doing well, and your kids are darling. It will be fun to keep in touch.
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