First off, my last was post was about how I love blogging but after today I don't know. Not really, I've just spent way too much time today trying to get these pictures posted. I don't know what the deal was! My computer was super slow. Anyway...
Most of you know that Jason has back problems. He did something Friday and was not able to move all weekend. I hate seeing him pain but I've felt helpless. We met with the surgeon on Monday. They want to fuse his back but it is really bad timing for us. He got an epidural injection in his spine today hoping that will help with the pain until he gets surgery. Our surgeon was a total jerk though so we are looking into all our options. Does anyone know of any good back surgeons? Or ever heard of flexible fusion?

Jason thought a good prime rib would cheer him up. We went to Goodwood with my cousin Loni and her husband Troy. Troy works with Jason and they just live the down the street from us. So glad we can get together for a last minute dinner.

We celebrated Brady's 24th birthday as a family. Ligia and her Mom made the beautiful cake!

We love you Brady. Thanks for all you do for our family and my kids.

This was the BEST story of the weekend. I was on my way to church (and I was actually EARLY because I had to say the opening prayer in sacrament meeting and I'm NEVER on time) I was driving down my street and saw a body laying on the ground totally still. Then I noticed a motorcycle. He must of spun off somehow but I was the first person to the scene and noone was around. I seriously thought the man was dead. In a panic, I was searching for my cell phone to call 911 and I didn't have it because who takes their cell phone to church? When we got up closer he started to moan so I knew he was breathing. I made Baylee and Griffin get out of the car and stay with him while I went back to the house to call 911. When I returned a few more people had made it to the scene and the ambulance arrived shortly after. The nurse in the picture showed up and was trying to move him. He was originally flat on his back and the dispatcher said to leave him on his back but for some reason she was determined to move him. I am sure he will be fine but he had some major head trauma. It was all bloody and covered in gravel. Too bad he wasn't wearing a helmet! He probably broke a few bones because he skidded a ways and his whole body was limp. But is that not crazy? That's totally something that doesn't happen everyday. Probably never again in my lifetime. Motorcycles are so dangerous!

Baylee was bugged I took a picture but I had to share my story! Needless to say... I made it on time to church and was STILL able to say the prayer. I was just a little shooken up! Good thing I was early. And I kept the poor man in my prayers that day.
Holy crap!! you saw a dead man on the road and took pictures of it!! That is SUCH a great story and I can't believe we got through a whole phone conversation without talking about that! The pictures are great though!
and I love the picture of Jason... he may be hanging upside down, but he is still on the phone, doing business and working his magic! Hopefully everything works out with a new doc! that totally sucks!
Love you! Good luck with the shower and wedding stuff going on this week!
I can't believe you took a picture of the crashed motorcycle driver! And duh on him for not wearing a helmet.
Unfortunately Damion can relate to the back pains (broke it in highschool, and it causes him grief every couple months) so we totally emphathize with Jason's pain. Damion's uncle has had to have a couple back surgeries and loves his surgeon (supposedly world renowned). I can find out his name and email if you would like.
and this is how you know who the die hard bloggers are- the people who carry their camera's but not their cell phones!
Awesome! I bet his friends left him there...
Brooke- yes... will you please email me the name of the Doctor. That would be awesome. Back pain is the worst! Did Damion need surgery after breaking it?
Dee- for the record, I actually grabbed my camera when I went back to call 911 but that still makes me pretty die hard, huh?
That is sooo crazy!! I bet you freaked out when you saw a body laying there in the road? I was driving with my mom down PCH in Laguna last week and saw a body of a homeless person laying in the street. We immediately called 911! I hope that he was OK!
I love that you don't take your cell phone to church, but your camera is right handy! That is too funny. (Not for the guy, of course.)
Hey, Karlin..I worked at CWH until a year ago & actually know of a few great back Dr's. (I am an x-ray tech and I have been in on a ton of surgeries with these guys, or have dealt with their patients afterwards.)
#1 suggestion:
Dr. Reed Fogg (Intermountain Spine Institute). He's excellent, older, and knows his stuff. Good guy. If it were my back, I'd try him first.
#2. Dr. Nathan Momberger
#3. Dr. Robert M. Berry
Hope that helps a bit. You can look them up on & see their certifications and locations and everything.
Thanks for the suggestions... Melissa. Dr. Berry is actually Jason's Dr and he did Jason's surgery last July but when we met with him on Monday he was a total jerk. We just want to see what other options we have. Did you work with Berry much??
I actually don't know him as a person, so I can believe that he was a jerk (a lot of doctors are)! I just know him as a surgeon and he seemed to have a TON of I thought he must be good.
Try Fogg....if you can get into him. Excellent. And so nice. He's the grandfather-ly type.
Sorry, me again. There's also Dr. Junius Clawson. I know, fuuny name. He is Dr. Fogg's son-in-law (and, don't quote me on this, but I think he was trained by Dr. Fogg).
Don't know much about him, though.
I am so proud of you for stopping and taking action. My stepbrother got in a horrible accident over a month ago. We still don't know who called 911 but he would not have survived if someone hadn't acted to quickly. GOOD JOB!!
Oh and about the back stuff. Kenny has a horrible back so we met with this guy that does this compression stuff. They have to accept you first as one of their cases but I heard it is awesome. My grandpa did it and swears by it. Kenny was excepted but insurance didn't cover it and it was expensive. Anyways, it is located by that Albertson's on State and 11500 South or so. Hope that helps!
Thanks Kristen... Jason has tried it all. I think the decompression stuff did help but his back is so bad that he just needs surgery now. It sucks having a husband with a bad back! And I'm glad your step brother is okay!
I've seen this same situation on the road was horrific. I hate motorcyles.
Are you kidding me...this would have completely freaked me out! I always wonder if I would keep my cool in a situation like this. Well done!
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