We had to send our old lap top back to the manufacturer so Jason bought me a new one because he knew I couldn't go another 3 weeks without it. I love it!! It's so nice to have a fully charged, working computer.

Avaree took this picture of me.
Now here is a look at what we've been up to...

Baylee got her learners permit! Yipee! I don't know if you remember but the DMV wouldn't issue Baylee a permit because I wasn't her
official legal guardian but
thanks to Adam Wright for having an
in at the DMV and making a few phone calls for us. They finally hooked us up. (of course after a LONG 4 hour wait, which was a nightmare,WE GOT IT!) Now the scary part is her driving...

We celebrated Trevor's birthday as a family with Trevor's favorites... homemade lasagna and strawberry shortcake.

We did some yard work and even
the princess helped.
Avaree's gymnastics came to an end.

I put her in the cutest little gymnastic class with her friend, Maren Cotrell. It was so fun to watch and she learned and improved a lot. She can do somersaults now!

Av and Maren

I was so proud of her.

Baylee and Griffin both participated in basketball camps.

We celebrated Jason's Dads' birthday.
Oh yeah and school is out!
My friend invited us to Wheeler Farm one day for a picnic and to see the animals. I love Summer days when you can just play!

Check out the cute baby ducks.

Av chasing the ducks,

feeding the ducks,

and the baby cow.

Weston was standing while he was
still strapped in. I can't let this boy out or else I'll be chasing him the whole time!

Avaree on the tractor. She loves this kind of stuff.

FYI... Wheeler Farm is free! I didn't know that. We'll be back for sure to enjoy the free entertainment and beautiful park.
Eleigh's viewing.
People actually think I am 16 when I hang out with Baylee and her friends. Come on, don't I look like their MOM or at least double their age??

The viewing was so sad. It was really neat... the family asked everyone to wear pink and black in honor of her. The turn out was amazing. Eleigh will be missed by a lot of people, especially her family. I think the whole experience has brought Baylee and I closer together because I CANNOT imagine living without her. I LOVE this BEAUTIFUL, MATURE girl and I'm so glad she is in my life.

We've had MANY picnics at the park. We've gone pretty much every warm day we've had. I can't wait until it is SO hot that all we want to do is swim!

Notice the scab on Weston's nose? He had a runny nose and I went to wipe it but of course he wouldn't let me and I ended up taking a chunk of skin off his nose. I felt really bad. He's still cute though. Aren't runny noses the worst?
It's not everyday...

you see a MOOSE in your neighborhood! NO JOKE! It was awesome. I think they have the nicest faces but the spectators there kept warning us that she will charge at you if you get too close.

Do you remember Jason's $1000 bet to quit Dr. Pepper? Well he won, which was a must, but now he is back to drinking DP. I'm a little sad because he did so well for 5 months without it but now he is back on. I don't blame him though.... DP is SO good! Anyone else addicted??

We got a new BBQ! Another thing I love about Summer is BBQs. Jason and I have been barbequeing steaks at 10:30 at night the past couple of nights (just the two of us for a snack). I know it sounds crazy but it's good, we love having a grill, and I love having Jason cook for me! So when 10:30 rolls around and Jason asks me, "do you want a steak?" I can't refuse!

Lastly, I got together with the girl cousins my age and our kids. Sunny lives in CA so I don't get to see her that often and Avaree now has a new obsession... her son Bryson!!

In Avaree's words, "Mom, will you drive me to
Forkanna to see Bryson?" Forkanna is her word for California. I love the things she says these days. I need to be better at documenting it because I forget them from day to day. And
thanks to all those who stuck with me for the longest post ever! It's good to be back!
so glad you're up and running again! Love all the updates.
Love the pic of Baylee and her friends. You totally blend in with those 15 year olds!
I want to join you for late night steaks. And I am not addicted to DP, but Diet Pepsi.. which is probably worse.
Love Avaree's gymnastic pictures. And I LOVE her made up words.. Forkanna and Cute-iful!
Your kids are so cute. How fun that Avaree gets to do gymnastics. I will have to find out where when Zoe gets a little bigger. Fun!
Are you and the kids available on Wednesday, June 25th around 11am for a day at the park? Janet said she would be in town so it would be fun to get together with everyone.
Seriously, you could blend in with the 16 year old girls. That's a good thing. I would just keep doing what you're doing. If that includes late night steaks and Dr. Pepper then I guess I should jump on board.
I'll eat a steak every night at 10:30 if I can have your figure! It's funny, I just posted about our new grill two minutes before looking at this!
I'm glad you got a new computer!
Loved the post and seeing all that you've been up to. Adam will be jealous when he reads about the steaks!
Steaks at 10:30...that's what I'm talkin' about! How fun! Ryan and I have been giving each other the same look at around 11, except we share a whole plate of potato chips!! (can you say GUILTY?!!)
Steaks at 10:30...that's what I'm talkin' about! How fun! Ryan and I have been giving each other the same look at around 11, except we share a whole plate of potato chips!! (can you say GUILTY?!!)
it's so good to have you back. I love your new computer! The picture of Weston standing up with his buckles on made me laugh. He is so cute. It was fun to see you yesterday at Anderson's.
I love all your pictures. I love the ones of Avaree's gymnastics class! SO CUTE! My daugter is in gymnastics too and loves it! Good to see that you are all doing well.
It was so good to see you and your cute kids. Thanks for coming and meeting up with us. Bryson also wants to know when we'll be in Utah again and he can see Avaree. Miss you guys! I don't know how you do it all - you are amazing and you do so many fun things!
Matt might be able to motivated to quit his beloved Pepsi if he scored some $$ out of it....but I'm sure it would only last so long. He just can't live without the stuff. Pepsi for breakfast, lunch and dinner...and right before bed. That's GOT to be healthy.
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