Jason's relatives from France were in town so we spent the weekend with them in Park City at our time share.

Tatty Lily, Tatty Martin, Grandmere, and Grandpere.

We ate LOTS of food, including fancy French appetizers. I was brave and tried the smoked salmon but I couldn't bring myself to try the pig head.

We played multiple, INTENSE games of Rummikub. When I say multiple I'm talking like 10 games. Grandmere called us " the rummikub queens" in her strong french accent. The first night I couldn't be beat but the second night Jason's Mom was the big winner. Rummikub is my favorite game!

We also got a start on our Christmas shopping and look Jason is still smiling after watching the kids so I could shop! I'm sure it helped that BYU won. I thought I had endurance to shop but nothing like these ladies. They were quite a sight walking around too because they were all dressed from head to toe in leopard print. I loved it and wish I had a picture. I wore my leopard print scarf so I could fit in. :)

It was a fun, loud, dramatic weekend full of entertainment! My kids were great... I'm sure it was because they got so much attention. None of us have ever received so many kisses.
I wish you had a picture of the leopard print outfits too. It sounds funny!
I LOVE Grandmere and the fam! i can always see her fancy bras under her see-through tops. She is a riot. I'm sure you guys had a blast. I havn't seen Cathy in so long. Good to see some shots of the fam! p.s. Cascia & Avaree have the same butterfly shirt. loves it!
how fun, i didn't know he had relatives from france! i recall playing rummikub many times with you, great memories.
I love rummikub too and want to take the Queen on! The house and the food look so beautiful!
we were on each other's blogs at the same time. must be destiny.
I wanted to say that I laughed at the leopard print shopping trip. So glad you wore your scarf so you belonged. fun family!
Sounds like a fun weekend. I didn't know that Jason was French. I love park city, it's so beautiful and has some great shops. I have to agree with Jason that any day is good when BYU wins. My Dad is pumped about the Utah game this weekend. Jason and my Dad should go to the games together.
Clarification... Jason is NOT French. In fact, I'm laughing because Jason doesn't really like France. His Mom was adopted into a French family so that is our relation. Jason was almost named Pierre though.
My husband would have loved to converse with your relatives..he went to France on his mission and would love to live there!!
I love that everyone thinks Jason is a Frenchy...too bad Jason was not given a French name like the rest us us...I could just imagine him as a Piere!!!
I am so glad you guys had a great time, after they left our house the next day Audrey dressed head toe in animal prints....leopard shirt, leopard pants and tiger shoes...oh my!
I have to add one more item...Grandprere's face is priceless...I know by that look in his eyes he is talking politics and boy is he a "Crazy Liberal", but despite his poor judgement I still love him.
Paulette... your comment made my day! It was so good to hear from you. I knew you would appreciate this post.
Ooh I love Rummikub too... I used to play it all of the time when I was younger.
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