Avaree had her first Valentine's party at school! This girl loves to celebrate! She chose Little Pet Shop Valentine's and wrote her name on each one for her classmates. After the party she said, "My friends are so nice, I can't believe they all gave me Valentine's!" She pretty much ate all the candy in one night.

Making sugar cookies has become our Valentine's tradition. It's the only time of the year I want to make them too. They are such a project but the kids love it and they are yummy to eat.

I have a few of these pictures because I think they look so cute working I couldn't choose just one.

Besides making cookies Avaree was busy coloring pictures and leaving little Valentine's throughout the entire house for each member of the family. So sweet!

Eating cookies was worth the work! Thanks to Baylee for helping me frost them all. We made way too many...

Jason and I celebrated with friends over a NICE dinner of filets, king crab, delicious sides and 3 orders of "beignets" for dessert. It was our first time trying beignets and I must say we are addicted now!

Jim, Jason, and Adam
Me, Katherine, and Kelly. We are all pregnant and look like we should be on an episode of the Bachelor with our roses! (the restaraunt gave them to us). After dinner we went and saw "He's Not That Into You" and we were not that into it. It wasn't as good as we expected with all those good actors. Really disappointing actually.
What a DARLING family, Karlin!
Your mom is so proud of you!!!!!
I just know it. Your home is beautiful. I would love to meet for lunch one day!
I'm cracking up over the bachelor comment. you're hilarious! wish you sent some of those sugar cookies this-a-way.
I didn't love the movie either! I am glad you thought the same thing!!!
i agree i didn't love the movie either. But your Valentine's day looks like a winner!
Looks yummy! Glad you had a good v-day. You deserve it!
looks like you had a fun valentines! That's awesome to go to dinner with friends! Love the cookies too!
Happy Late Valentines Day!!!
I'm sorry we missed you when you came to Vegas, you should've called anyway! Make sure you call next time you're out. Looks like you guys had a great V-day!
Your kids are sooo cute. Where did you go for dinner? And we celebrated Valentines day on Friday instead of Saturday. We already had reservations, but it was still pretty crowded.
WE need to play next weekend for sure. I am sorry we couldn't get together this weekend. And don't feel guilty at all about the gym. YOu have four kids, I have none; You are prego, I am not, and you are so cute and skinny anyways, even with having two kids already. You got some lucky genes thats for sure! Strut your stuff and be proud of it!! Love ya guys!
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