I've had a week of sick children (coughs, fevers, sore throats, bloody noses), being sick myself, not getting good sleep, going to the dentist, pediatrician, and a fetal specialist. My downs syndrome testing came back abnormal so we met with a specialist this week. Everything on the ultrasound looks normal and I'm pretty confident that I just got a false positive but it's definitely added some worry to my life.
I continue to worry about Jason and his back. It's been a little discouraging that almost six months after his surgery his back and body still hurts. The poor man can't even put his socks on in the morning. His health has forced him to start pursuing another career. He is very smart and I have all the confidence in him in the world but finances are a stressful thing.
It's too bad that seeing my cousin and her family go through their 8 year old daughter having leukemia has put so much PERSPECTIVE in my life!! Losing and missing my Mom always adds perspective to my life but we still need reminders. Emma had her bone marrow transplant on Friday. Lana and Emma have pretty much lived at Primary Children's Hospital for the past 3 1/2 months and will be in Utah probably until July before they can actually go home to Burley, Idaho. Waiting back in Burley are Emma's 5 siblings, a new home in the building process, and everyday life that I know they wish they could return too. I know Lana would love to be back home in a messy house (not saying her house is messy), with screaming children and LOVING her everyday life!! All the little stuff that I let consume me doesn't seem to matter as much. I have a new PERSPECTIVE. I'm trying to be GRATEFUL instead of focusing on the bad because it could be so much worse.
Look at them smiling after a horrible couple weeks in the hospital getting chemo treatments, a bacteria infection, and pneumonia... they are troopers... I want to thank Lana, Emma, and the Gibbon's family for their examples, good attitudes, and for reminding me of what is MOST important. Our prayers and thoughts are constantly with you!! We love you!
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Sunday, March 1, 2009
Posted by karlin at 9:31 AM
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Isn't it amazing at how quick all the negative in our lives can consume us!! I fight this everyday and some days don't know if I can overcome it. But I think I have realized one thing and that is the Lord doesn't give us anythng that we cannot handle even though we feel like we can't. I am sure you already knew that. Your a tough woman! Your little bundle and you are in my prayers! And what a fight your cousin and her family are. What an amazing example!
Sounds like you guys have a lot on your plate! Hang in there with everything~! It is good to have things in your life to remind you of the perspective you need to have. Sounds like you have a great outlook on life for sure!
Dinner for sure. Sorry about last weekend. I kept asking Greg if we were going to hang out with you guys...... he told me no because he never called you. Sorry
life is so short and so fragile. it is so hard to remember that. and yes it stinks that we have to be reminded in ways we don't want. best of luck in all you are doing and to all your family as well. hope your pregnancy is smooth sailing from here on out.
you and your family (all of them) are in my thoughts and prayers!!!
Just want to say how wonderful I think you are! Hang in there you are amazing!
wow. I feel silly complaining today about a headache. it's crazy what you can live through and still remain positive.
we'll continue to keep jason in our prayers.
Look at her beautiful smile! I guess we can all be grateful for our own challenges.... Hope you're all feeling better sooooon.
Wow Karlin - perspective indeed!
Hang in there - let us know more about your baby...that alone must be a lot to carry. My sister went throught that same scenrio...
Hang in there!
Love this post...if you think about life...life on earth is just a milisecond compared to what's in store for us and too often we put things that don't matter first...thanks for the post...sometimes I hate those tests because you get more false positives than you do real positives!!
you always have such a great perspective, Kar... but it's good to get reminded-- especially when you have lots to complain about (sickness is the worst!) LOVE YOU.
Hi Kar! Every day is a blessing I feel like. It is crazy how many hardships people have. As far as your downs test coming back positive.... that is why I never do those tests. I have not done them with any of my pregnancies. Maybe I should but I have heard too many stories of both false negatives and false positives. I am sure everything is fine. You are so young. I just had my ultrasound too and everything looked good. It is a good feeling and it was fun to see the Dr. explain everything as we went through the whole body of the little bambino inside my tummy. Love ya!
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