I just happened to come across Avaree reading while going to the bathroom. I thought it was so cute. I had to take a picture.

We went to Grandpa and Grandma Kessler's for dinner and fireworks.

Franklin slept through the noise.

Weston loved the sparklers a little too much and he burned his finger. Avaree not so much, she wouldn't even hold one.

After the firework show Jason took the kids camping. I was feeling anxious to get out so I met up with them the next day for some boating.

Weston jumped off the boat to swim with Jason.

Avaree didn't want to jump but she couldn't let Weston show her up.


Griffin caught the only fish of the day.

My brother Jake and his fiance Angela have been staying with us the past few weeks. They are getting married on Aug 1st.

Franklin's first boat ride.

He slept like a champ.

Jason's Grandmere was also in town and spent the day with us as well. We really enjoyed our time with her and she enjoyed eating the fish Griffin caught! :)

Back at the campground for tin foil dinners and to listen to our friends band perform. It was a fun day and felt good to get out but we were all exhausted after.
What a fun summer day! Bay and Griff will be back in school before you know it. Doesn't the time just FLY by?
I LOVE, love the pic of Frankie in his car seat! If car rides put babies to sleep, I can only imagine how comfy he was on the boat.
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