at grandmere's...

at school on her big day...

when i asked avaree what she wanted to do for her birthday she said,
"i want a girls only party at chuck e. cheese." so that is what we did! this is the first year we've had a friend party. it was fun. the girls were hYpeR, especially avaree!



goody bags


she asked for a
"princess fishing pole"

avaree is looking so grown up to me. she fits in size 5T clothing and they look huge in the store. next year she will be in the big girl sizes. i can't believe it! she is such a pretty girl.

what a mess, runny nose and all. this boy loves parties for the cake.
aubrielle, aspen, avaree, and maren
silly faces and i had to post them all because all of avaree's faces are classic.

avaree, bentley, and aspen

i had one worn out girl by the end of the night but as i was putting her to bed she said,
"thank you mom, i LOVED my birthday!" that comment alone made it all worth while.
princess fishing pole?? that is amazing! looks like you really know how to throw a birthday bash, that Avaree is one lucky gal!
Look at you... three kids, a friend party, cute polka dot presents and goody bags. You are a total pro!
Avaree is really looking SO old. It's crazy how they just grow up on us!
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