avaree had her preschool graduation yesterday. it was a big day for both of us. i can't believe she is graduating. it was so fun to see her perform a program that she has worked so hard on. they had memorized an hours worth of songs with actions. it was impressive! she was the loudest singer there. i have video to prove it. she is an amazing student. her school work is perfection and she is reading! she has the nicest, prettiest teachers i know and i'm sad that this special time of her life has come to an end. it makes it easier that i don't have to say good bye yet because weston will be attending the same school next year.
i'm so grateful for her "super start!"
if there were a girl president,
it would be avaree! (s0 true),
she is smart, creative, amazing at cutting & art,
she is nice to her friends &,
she is the most stylin kid in class. (thank you)
we missed you bennett!
avaree will miss you!
i couldn't be prouder!
you have to watch the first video! it's not long and it will make you laugh. you will need to pause the music on my playlist so you can hear it. i'm so glad i got that moment on tape. i am horrible when it comes to recording. the second one is cute too. i love her singing and her moves. enjoy! i can watch them over and over again.
so, so cute! They grow up too fast!
these pictures and video are priceless! i love avaree she is a darling little girl :)
Avaree is getting so big! I remember when she was still in your tummy... They grow up so fast! It only get's better!
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