for memorial day, we kept up our family tradition and headed to the peaceful, view cemetary where my mom is buried.

see those trees? that is the cemetary!

our weekend recap goes as follows- we ran out of gas in the middle of
nowhere, jason wore camo, our trailer was wt, we four wheeled, picniced, shot guns, swam at the hotel, ate at pizza hut, got lost going to the cemetary,
reminisced and shared memories of our wonderful mother and grandparents. it was neat being there exactly 6 years to the date of her passing. we took pictures when the wind picked up, and randomly ran into people who knew our family in the hills of albion. it was neat to talk to people who knew the "hatch family" and my grandpa gave patriachal blessings too. as always
i feel so blessed to come from the people i came from and although our time on earth with our mother was short...
we endure because we have eachother.
yep.. cried over this post and I haven't even gotten to your mom's tribute. I think what got me was seeing Baylee and Griffin's pic at the grave. They are so grown up. This memorial tradition now includes lots of adults (when it used to be just you and Jas). Soon there will be lots of grandbabies, too! Little Frankie definitely looks like one of Karol's grandsons.
You are amazing. You are stronger then you think. Your mom is so proud of you, I am sure. So many people look up to you, myself included. Your tribute was beautiful. It makes me think of my mother. Thank you for reminding me to cherish my family and the memories we have while we're having them. lol
hey Gus has the same green tractor shirt as franklin! i love this tradition of yours. such a great way to always remember your mom and the amazing lady she is.
i loved seeing you while i was in slc. & i am excited to spend more time playing when i come back in a few weeks!
Is it wierd that I look forward to the tributes you give your mom every year? They inspire me and help me remember to not take my time with people for granted. Thank you so much. You are incredible. And although I didn't know your mom, I can guess that you are turning out to be a lot like her. Your kids are darling by the way!
I like the new blog looks. Now for an update! I am missing you. ;)
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