my mom passed away on memorial day seven years ago. since then we have made it a tradition to go burley, idaho as a family to view cemetary where she was buried. this year was a quick trip. all of my siblings came! jake and angela just moved back from nebraska (angela just graduated from dental school, go ang!). we stayed a night at the fairfield inn, kids swam, adults stayed up late playing rummikub, we had lunch with my cousins' family (thanks lana!), and visited the cemetary. it was cold. the wind was bitter. i still love being there.
i love remembering her. i love telling my children about her. whenever we hear the song,
"somewhere over the rainbow" we think of her. we listened to that song a lot the summer after she passed and we listen to it every year on our trip to burley. on our way home it was very fitting that we saw a lot of rainbows...
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