Avaree's favorite place!

Aren't these pictures cute? They have a machine that sketches your picture.

Weston loves the rides too!

My BIG girl!

Avaree blowing bubbles with her cousin Madeline

The proud parents

Avaree is a Sunbeam! I cried the first time I saw her in sharing time. I can't believe she is old enough. She is on the younger end in her class so I've been a little nervous for her (and her teachers!) but I think she is doing well. She keeps telling me to be reverent and she came home talking about John the Baptist the other day so she must be listening somewhat. Her teachers asked her yesterday "if she was nice to her Mom?" and she replied "No." She wasn't nice to me yesterday... she is totally potty trained (a month without accidents) and she peed on me in Sacrament meeting! AAAH! What is that all about? She was mad we had to go home to change our clothes and she said, "Mom, I want to go back" then she sang, "I am a child of God and he wants me to pee in the toilet!" It was hilarious!

Avaree went on a date with Brady and Ligia. They took her to dinner and a movie. It was so cute and nice for me to only have to chase one child at Griffin's basketball game. Brady is so funny though. He called me while they were out and said, "How does Avaree go to the bathroom in a public place?" I said, "You sit her down, let her go, and wash her hands after." He replied, "Ooh, you let her sit on the toilet? Doesn't she need to squat or something?" It is true it is gross but you don't really have a choice.
One other great plus to being potty trained... I went to IKEA last week and Avaree went and played in the kids area for an hour while I shopped. It was the BEST! She loved it too. I was so proud of her. I can't believe how BIG she is!
I love those sketching picture machines. i always make Aaron do it with me and the kids and he hates it.. but i have a stack of them at home! yours turned out cute!
Yeah for Avaree! I am going to keep her trained for you, I promise!
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