Jason and I spent a week in Acapulco, Mexico... just the two of us!! We had such a great time. We were due for some SUNSHINE and the weather was beautiful the whole time. We were basically in swimsuits all week... going to the beach, pools, and fishing! It was so relaxing. I felt so spoiled all week... drinking yummy drinks, eating at nice restaraunts, getting pedicures, getting my FIRST massage, staying in a nice hotel. The Mexican people were so nice and totally catered to us. It really was wonderful. A BIG thanks to my friend Janet for driving from Vegas with her 3 boys (ages 6 and under) to stay at my house and watch ALL my children ALL week! She had her hands full and I'm so GRATEFUL she would do that for me. I was truly able to relax because I knew my children were in good hands.
I had to collage my pictures because I had so many. (Sorry if you are offended by the guy in the thong. He was walking two poodles on the beach and it was hilarious. Jason HAD to take a picture!) We laugh every time we see it.
Acapulco was SO beautiful. Everywhere we went had AMAZING views. I just love the beach, and the ocean, and the SUN!

Jason getting a massage on the beach. $20 bucks for a whole hour! Martha did a great job too. Jason got a massage almost everyday. That man deserved it too. He works so hard, his body is falling apart!

My FAVORITE thing. I will go back to Mexico for this... the FRESH mangos on a stick were the absolute BEST!

Oh, we found the nicest mall and movie theatres. The movie theatre had reclining seats and they took your order from your chair. Jason and I spent a couple of evenings watching movies because you can NEVER do that with kids. We saw good movies too... 27 dresses and The Bucket List.

My other FAVORITE thing was this smoothie drink made with fresh fruit, another thing worth going back for!

Jason enjoying his drink too.
The Acapulco Cliffdivers

Have you ever heard of them?? It was crazy! A group of guys scale these huge cliffs, climb to the top, and dive in water only 9 feet deep. It was awesome to watch. I was so nervous for them. You could tell they were a little nervous too before they would jump. Supposedly, no one has ever gotten seriously injured doing it. Look closely and you can see one of the guys climbing.

Getting ready to jump. You can see most of them together but look at the very top and one guy ended the show by jumping from the VERY top. The pictures don't do it justice.

Can you see the guy jumping? He kind of blends in with the cliff but it was awesome! They say you can't go to Acapulco without watching the
famous cliffdivers.

More fun pictures... 4 wheeling on the beach, getting massages at the spa in our hotel, deep sea fishing (although we didn't catch any fish)

One day we went to a beach where there was not a soul in sight. (you can see pictures of the beach in the collage) We walked down the beach a ways and came across this lagoon of water and a little village. We met this nice man, named Francisco, and he took us for a ride on his boat through the lagoon. Look at that village... it is crazy that people still live like that.

Jason on the boat, Francisco driving us.

Cruising through the lagoon... we saw lots of cool birds and villagers fishing with nets.

This was the view from our hotel room. We had a private balcony and it overlooked these clay tennis courts. They were really cool but unfortunately Jason and I ran out of time and we never got the chance to play on them!

Our hotel was really classic, private, and secluded. It was a big hotel back in the day for stars and Presidents to hide out. They had signs and pictures all around of the famous people who have stayed there. Some of the people were... Elizabeth Taylor (she had one of her many weddings there), Michael Jackson, Liza Minelli, Frank Sinatra, Richard Nixon, Luis Miguel (who now owns a HUGE house in Acapulco that we drove by) and Julio Ingelsias used to own a house right next to the hotels' property. Anyway it was kind of fun to read about and see pictures!

Jason and I... gotta love holding out the camera and taking pictures of yourselves. I usually have Baylee and Griffin around to snap a picture when I need it.

More pics of beaches, the hotel, and the pool. Again, sorry about the statue. She was at the entrance of our hotel... heck, it's MEXICO!

One funny story... everyday we went to the beach the same guy would come up and try to sell Jason drugs. Jason saw him coming one day and thought I better hide my wallet so he threw it down by me and I didn't know and set my magazine down on it. After the guy approached us, Jason asked, "Where is my wallet?" I searched my bag and all around and we couldn't find it. So Jason RAN down the beach after this small, Mexican man. He was probably scared to death of BIG Jason running at him. He asked the man if he stole his wallet and the man said, "No." Jason didn't believe him so he totally searched the guy up and down but he didn't have it. We were both relieved when we found his wallet, later, under my magazine. Before we left the beach, the guy came up to us and said, "I wouldn't steal your wallet. I make an HONEST living selling drugs."

Hiking on some steep rocks to get from one beach to another.

I was afraid Jason would get sick of me because we haven't done something like this with just the two of us... since our honeymoon? It was great. I had so much fun spending my week with just him! No kids. No work. No cleaning. No stress. It really was a dream. I am truly grateful to have Jason as my BEST friend!

Good bye Sunny Acapulco... home to kiddos! (after a week, I could NOT wait!)
Looks boring; I'm glad we didn't go.
Hope Jason had a great brithday, we would love to take You and Jason to Chuck-A-Rama for his birthday. Welcome back amigos. -Love Francine and Adam
How fun!!! You are so lucky you guys got away!!! And the sun, how nice that looks. Hope you guys had a great time!
It looks like so much fun! I am glad that you were able to get away!
How i LOVE all the pictures! Especially Jason and the naked statue. jk. The sunsets look incredible and the honest drug dealer story is hilarious!! I am so glad you guys had a good time-- everyone deserves a getaway alone, but you two needed it MOST! What a fun trip! (oh and the pictures of the mangoes looks divine!)
I'm with Adam...what a boring trip! Ha! Looks like a total blast. I'm so glad you guys had the chance to go and that you had such a wonderful time. You got lots of great pictures. I too enjoyed the wallet/drug story. How funny. Glad you have the written down so you can always remember it. Hope to see you soon!
You two are so cute. That looks like an amazing week, my kind of vacation. What a great break. I don't remember what it is like to enjoy the beach and the sun, glad you got away and got to enjoy each other.
These pictures are making me jealous! It looks like so much fun! Oh and the picture of the man in the g-string is hilarious! Gotta love it!
I am so jealous. You are so lucky. When I went to Acapulco we stayed in a hotel called the Twin Towers less than a year after 9/11 and it was hurricane season. I still loved it though. The people there are awesome. You just reminded me that I need a trip.
Maybe I can earn an honest living selling drugs to afford it.
a. So jealous of those tan lines!
b. Those mango sticks look great!
c. How did 2 freakin' babies come out of that flat, tiny stomach? No fair!!!
d. I can't believe the wallet story. I can totally see Jason searching the guy!
e. Glad you had such a fun time!!!
Thanks everyone... all you Mothers deserve a vacation like this! Janessa, so cool that you have been there too and Summer, I don't know how 2 babies came out of you!(I guess the same way they came out of me.)
Wow, that looks like it was an amazing vacation!! I'm so jealous. I have major spring fever right now. You deserved a great vacation like that. I'm glad you were able to get away!
Your pictures make me so jealous! I'm glad you and Jason had such a great a relaxing time, you both work so hard and deserved it. Love you both!
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