Jason's Mom and Ed have an RV so we headed up to Bear Lake with them to camp and boat for 4th of July weekend. I hadn't been to Bear Lake since I was a kid. It was fun but I'm not a big camper. I like to think I'm not a priss but here are my reasons for not being BIG on camping...
1. I DON'T like to be dirty and I don't like my kids to be dirty either
2. I don't want to wait for 40 minutes to use a cold shower that a bunch of people already used or dirty toilets for that matter.
3. It's a lot of work! Thanks to my mother-in-law for making ALL the food preparations. If it were up to me we would have ate out every meal.
4. I have horrible allergies. I was dying all weekend. Every store in town was sold out of allergy medicine to top it off.
5. I need my sleep. We slept on a nice air mattress but I just don't sleep well sharing it with 2 children and my husband.
6. My kids are not good travelers. It's so fun to get out but they need their sleep too and they just don't sleep well when they aren't at home and...
7. Of course we ended up at the local instacare at 10 pm on the 4th! Weston choked on a hot dog. I cut it up small too but he still choked and was wheezing loudly after dinner. I've heard so many horror stories lately so I called our pediatrician to see what they said and they said we should take him to an instacare to be safe. We took him in and he was fine. The hot dog must have made it's way down but they did say that he was on the verge of an ear infection. Honestly, why does this stuff always happen when you are away from home??
We made some good memories though... playing at the playground, the lake, boating, eating, laughing, looking at the stars, getting tan, making smores, eating fresh famous raspberry shakes, watching fireworks, feeding the carp, and traveling to and from! It was oh so worth it and I will totally do it again! My camera died half way through our trip so here are some of the pics I got...(mostly of the kids and kind of deja vu from our other weekends at the lake.)
CUTE pics... you guys are always up to fun things!!! I LOVE the picture of Avaree asleep on the boat leaning. That is so great! And Avaree and Weston are both so darling but don't look a thing alike. Where did Weston get his blonde hair from?
Weston and Avaree don't look a thing alike. It's crazy. I don't know where Weston came from. My Mom had blonde hair when she was little and Baylee did. I'm sure he will darken up when he gets older but right now he is just getting blonder from the sun. It's so cute but Jason and I both can't figure it out.
Way to be a trooper Karlin! Camping with kids is a big adventure!! Looks like you wore them out! Love the picture of Weston's messy face. and he IS getting more blonde by the minute!
Karlin I feel for you. I think it is so hard to be away from home I usually complain about it until I get back home and realize how much fun I actually had. Glad everyone had a good time.
YOu guys do so many fun things. Your kids are sooo lucky to have such a fun mom. I love your adventures and all your great pictures.
Did you write that you don't think you are a priss? just wanna make sure...and tell you that you ARE :) It's good though, not everyone can look like Charlize Theron from MONSTER all the time and pull it off, like I can :)
The pictures of the sleeping kids are priceless!! And, YES it is all worth it for the shakes. MMMMM!!
Hey...I think you're the one copying me! I totally thought this could have been my post when I was reading! I didn't even see this until you made a comment on mine. I was changing it while you commented. Anyway, how funny. I wanted to make a "negative list" but I am SO trying. You have to camp when you have a family of boys! I agree with all your points...except the allergies. Luckily, I escape those. AND..we could have had an instacare trip, Grandpa fell on top of Kaden and K. was soooo sore. He limped all weekend with a "sore bum and leg."
OUR Bear Lake trip is set for raspberry days in August. Luckily my bro-in-law has a condo!
Way to camp! I hear it gets easier the more you do it. I'm not sure if I'm willing to take that chance...
Melissa... I probably shouldn't have wrote about all the negative things but those were my feelings. I had fun but I really don't want to go on camping trips for anymore than 2 days. I agree with just trying to let loose and enjoy it.
hahaha coud not agree more!! i hate camping, and Linds loves it. I hate sleeping bags...dirt....campfire dinners....so overrated. Give me the Ritz Carlton, on the beach with a bed, tv and room service.
Amen Jared... I just kept thinking the whole time I was there... People REALLY enjoy this and do this for fun?? Why not just camp out in your backyard and better yet sleep in your OWN bed! But room service and tv is a must!
We don't camp. Mostly because my parents forced us to camp out everytime we went on a family vacation. I had never stayed in a hotel until I was 16 and went on vacation with Kristy.
Nothing is better than your own bed!
I love the picture of the kids a sleep on the boat...its great. Flaming Gorge was fun...I like Bear Lake too though....did you encounter any of those dang flies that bite hard!!!! I hate those flies!
We were suppose to go camping in Bear Lake too with my parents last weekend. But Tyler didn't want to go unless we got a place to stay and everything was full. I on the other hand love to camp (call me crazy... I even have bad allergies). It's a good thing we didn't go since Tyden got sick. I'm glad the hot dog thing turned out ok.
that looks like so much fun! i love the pictures of your little ones crashed on the boat, so classic!
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