The celebrations started on Monday night with my family party. Jake and Angela made me and
all my siblings dinner (except for Griffin, he is at scout camp this week). They made homemade meatballs and potatoes. It was yummy and so thoughtful. Angela fits right in with us. I LOVE having another girl around.
Sweet Brady made me five little cakes. I don't know why five but I was grateful and we got a good laugh out of it. I don't remember the last time I had a birthday cake that I didn't make, let alone five. It was surprisingly good too.
Weston helped me blow out the candles. I'll be honest my birthday is always a little hard for me since my Mom passed. One, it is a reality to me how many more years I have to live without her and Two, she was so good at making birthdays meaningful and special and I miss that. But I have to give props to my brothers... they did a great job! It meant a lot to me.

The day of my birthday I met some friends for lunch at Tuscany. It was nice and relaxing. I think we stayed and talked for 3 hours. Girlfriends are the best!
Thanks to my beautiful babysitter. Look at those lucious lips! I'm jealous.

For dinner we went to one of my favorite places... Paradise Bakery. Jason thinks it is a girly place to eat and it is... good sandwiches, soups, salads, and cookies but it was
my birthday so we went.

After dinner we did a little shopping, again, because it was
my birthday. Jason will never shop with me so I had to take advantage of it while I could. Then we went home and put the kids to bed and headed to a late show with our friends Adam and Kelly Koch. I'm personally not a huge Batman fan but it was worth seeing. A little too long for me though. I thought it would have been better if it they shortened it. Heath Ledger did do a good job. Creepy but good.

Then this morning Jake treated Angela and I to massages! Angela is on her Summer break from dental school so she deserved a massage and I deserve one for being a Mom! This picture was taken after our massages and I was ready for a nap. It really is GREAT to be TWENTY EIGHT! (except I'm already in need of anti wrinkle cream and when does the acne stop??)
Happy Happy Birthday my dear friend!!! Did you get some good stuff when you were shopping?
Happy Birthday! Looks like you had fun dragging your husband to places you love. Everyone should love Paradise Bakery. I bet deep down, he loves it!
Happy Birthday! It sounded great! I was have to plan by birthday stuff, which takes the fun out of it. It was nice of you family to take of it.
I am with you on the anti-aging cream. I started using it 2 years age at 26. I am still aging so I don't think it'w working! :)
Happy Birthday!!
Happy Birthday! It looks like you had a great birthday. Aren't they the best.
Happy Birthday Karlin! Sounds like it was fun. I'm glad you got to do things you like to.
Happy Birthday, Karly! Love you!
Happy Birthday late, sorry I haven't been checking blogs and i totally missed it. HOpe you had a good day.
Happy Late Birthday Karlin! Can't agree more with the antiwrinkle cream and acne. I thought that was supposed to stop when I hit the 20's and those years are almost gone! Love ya!
Happy birthday! It sounds like it was a lot of fun. You definetly deserved it! I am a big fan of celebrating birthdays for the whole week. Why just celebrate one day? Doesn't make much sense. Anyways, hope all is well.
Happy Birthday. Looks like you had a fun filled, packed day!
Happy birthday! It is great to be 28.
I think we should all celebrate for a week for sure.
That is awesome that all of your siblings came to celebrate.
Happy Birthday! I am so glad you had a wonderful birthday. You deserve it!
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