Back to school, Back to reality...

Baylee's first day of 10th grade. (all this highschool talk and I'm sending a child off)

Griffin's first day of 8th grade.

Am I a bad mom/sister for letting my kids go to the Jack Johnson concert the first night of school?? Baylee
loves Jack Johnson and was looking forward to his concert all year. It just happened to fall on the same night that school started. I didn't have the heart to tell her no. Thanks to my brother, Trevor, for taking them. I'm not ready for reality. We had such a fun summer and it went by so quickly!! What if I send them to school 2 weeks late? j/k. Routine is good and it will be nice to be on a routine again and go to bed before midnight.
I think you are awesome for letting her go. I mean, the first week of school is super lame and they do just about nothing. I think it's so crazy school is already here. I am so ready for the routine. Your sisters shoes are adorable!! Where did you get them?
Patience, aren't her shoes cute? I love them. I had to keep from buying a pair for myself. We got them at Target.
I agree, good on ya for letting her go. Besides, good kids can handle it!!
Karlin...let me know if you ever need anything jack johnson. My best friend is his babysitter on the tour with his family, and lives out in Hawaii next to them and watches the kids at their house. . She goes everywhere with if hes ever back in utah..let me know!
ooohhhhhh, i want to go see jack johnson! tell baylee she has to invite me next time.
No- that is awesome that you let her go. He is so good and clean... I wish I could have gone!!!!
I'll bet she loved the concert! Everyone looks so cute for the first day of school!
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