Weston LOVES the water. He had to have a life jacket on. He would jump, dive, and do belly flops the whole time. He loved to watch the divers during the Olympics and he would honestly try to imitate them. After he would jump he would turn on his back and giggle. It was really cute.
Avaree was a little more timid. She new her boundaries and where she could go before it got too deep.
Griff jumping off the high dive. Good times.
Hey Karlin,
For some reason your email was not in my address book. I'd like to send you an invite--just went private. Mine is sjohnston@stampinup.com hope to hear from you soon. Sorry about that! Steph
I LOVE days at the pool and I am not ready for summer to be over! Luckily for us Vegans it's not.
Looks like SO much fun! I'm jealous.
You guys looked like you got the most out of your summer at least, even if it is coming to a close. I'm not ready for summer to be over yet!
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