Baylee is SIXTEEN!! Her big day fell on a Friday which worked out perfectly... Jason and I took 5 of her friends up to Park City overnight to celebrate. Little did she know that we were stopping at a dealership to surprise her with a NEW car on our way. We told her we had to stop to put an SUV on hold that we were looking at (which was true) but she stayed totally naive and did not catch on that we were really there for her! The salesman drove her car up with balloons and all and asked who the birthday girl was and she still didn't get it! She thought he was going to give her a balloon or something. She was so surprised she couldn't stop giggling and crying. I was so excited leading up to it that I couldn't sleep.
first time in the NEW ford focus

taking it for a little drive

Tristyn, Maddie, Baylee, Nicole S., Alyse, and Nicole B.

It is going to be SO nice for us having Baylee be able to drive. We live 20 minutes (each way) from her highschool. She is so involved in sports and after school activities that Jason and I have spent almost every afternoon and evening for the past few years driving Baylee and Griffin where they need to be. We've been happy to do it but it will be a huge relief when she can drive herself. Plus if there is anyone deserving of a new car it is Baylee. She has had a 4.0 all through Jr. High (which she
will keep up), she just received her young woman medallion, she is a dream teenager, and so willing to help out whenever she can. She is wise beyond her years and been through a lot in her short life. I'm so glad we were able to do this for her. Jason and I are actually jealous. Niether of us got a car. In fact I didn't get a car until I was married to Jason (thanks to all those who drove me around for SO many years!) and even then we shared a little old red Nissan truck that didn't have air conditioning but I loved it because it was a vehicle to get me to and from. Still to this day I feel totally spoiled to have a working car. It always seems like such a luxury to me because growing up it was! I'm grateful Baylee doesn't have to have some of the same worries I had.

After getting the car we took the girls to Red Banjo Pizza on Main Street in Park City. It was nice because it wasn't very crowded and the girls were able to be LOUD and SiLLy!

Baylee's friend, Alyse, is hilarious! She galloped around the restaraunt saying, "It's Baylee's Birthday!" I was laughing so hard I couldn't breathe. They were probably ready to kick us out. I probably let the girls get a little too crazy but I figured you only turn 16 once. I just apologized to the few tables and the workers on our way out.

We walked down Main Street to get some dessert and these SiLLy girls were dancing in the windows of restaraunts while people were trying to eat. They were cracking me up. It doesn't seem like that long ago when Jason and I were that young and carefree but I don't know if I was ever as carefree as these girls. It's funny because we get wierd looks every where we go...
like we are too young to be hosting our daughters sixteenth bday party. We just go with the flow and let people think what they want.
After our dinner and dessert we went back to our hotel to swim and hot tub. Jason and I went to bed while the girls stayed up late watching a movie and playing games.
The next day we grabbed breakfast and shopped at the outlets. I'm SO grateful Baylee has such good friends!!
And thanks to my younger single brother, Trevor, for watching my kids all by himself so Jason and I could enjoy our weekend with Baylee.
What an awesome surprise. She sounds very deserving! I love the video.
I have too much to say, but not enough time.. WHAT A FUN SURPRISE. love that she thought she was getting a balloon instead of a car! That is so Baylee. And she does deserve it.. and so do you!! I am sure you blended in with them in Park City! Love that they were wild and crazy. This will be something she will ALWAYS remember! Love you guys! Happy Birthday Bay!
What a lovely surprise. How wonderful that you are able to do that for her!
Sooo cute. Made me want to cry. You two remind me sooo much of my older sister and I. You are a great older sister. She is soo lucky. I always feel that way with my sister and brother-in-law. They always spoil me and I hope to someday pay them back! How fuN!
Wow- a car! That is awesome. Sounds like she had an unforgetable 16th birthday.
Good for her... she is a great kid! How fun for her and what a nice time you gave her in Park City.
You guys are awesome!! She sounds like a great girl...although I'm thinking that she had some great role models, too....props to you!
WHOA, MAMA! I will have to ask her what a new car feels like. I am sure it is wonderful and for SURE she is in heaven!
Karin you are such a good sister mom to your sister!!You do such cute things with her! YouR mom would be so proud of YOU!
I tried to leave you a comment the other night but got cut off in the middle of! :) Anyway, you are THE coolest sister ever! Baylee sounds very deserving. It sounds like you are both so blessed to have each other. There is nothing like your sisters!
I love it! I got teary-eyed just watching those videos! What a wonderful present. She will certainly never forget this.
What a FABULOUS Birthday! I was so excited to watch the video. I too got teary eyed.. HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY BAYLEE!!
i got teary eyed too watching how cute and excited she was about it. i'm so glad she has good friends. she is such a good girl.
and you guys are the funnest to spoil the girls for the weekend. i bet they had so much fun and you let them be crazy cause you're only turn 16 once. you're awesome karlin.
How cool is that!
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