Kids have been out of school for UEA this week so we've been busy doing lots of Fall activities. We went to the Scarecrow Festival on Thursday. It was fun but I don't think we'll go again next year. My kids weren't the right ages for it. Baylee and Griffin were too old and Avaree and Weston were too young... They needed someone to help them down the slides and I was afraid I was going to lose one of them. It was cRaZy... people and KIDS everywhere. That's good old Utah Valley for you. The weather was beautiful though and it did feel good to be outside.
Holy Cow- Shawn Bradley is literally twice as tall as you!
We had thought about heading to the festival, but I was worried that it would be a little old for Alec. Guess we will try it in another year or two. :)
oh my gosh. this pic is SO funny. he is uncomfortably tall-wow. you look like a second grader standing next to him! :) ha ha
Ummm we were there that same day. It is crazy how many things we do around the same time. By the way...did you know Shawn Bradley was my home teacher for awhile? It was funny to watch him duck into my little condo. He was only in Bluffdale for 6 months or so but he was an awesome guy!
Looks like you had a great time! It even looks like you had fabulous weather. We took Kaden last year but have not had time to go this year. Shawn Bradley use to be in our ward and he really is freakishly tall. (thats not even a word, but it is so true). He had to duck to get in all of the doors.
I feel like I'm as tall as Shawn Bradley when I stand next to you.
Looks like a FUN place! That Shawn Bradley is so tall... you are tiny next to him! LOL...
oh my goodness! I didn't even see you guys down there. He was in my ward one Sunday and all I could think when I looked up at him was where is this guys head. He is a super nice guy.
Hi Karlin it is Emiy your cousin. You could fit into one of Shawn Bradleys legs. What a scream to see the two opposites. You and your kids are so darling, hope Jason feels good, we think about you a lot. Take care and next time you are up, call and we will do lunch or something.
That picture doesn't even look real! I can't believe the size difference!
The other pictures are fun too!
Have I seriously not checked your blog for a week? Look at all these new posts! I miss you!
Looks like you are really getting out and enjoying the fall weather.
Shawn Bradley looks freakishly tall and you seriously could be a munchkin next to him.
You guys do some of the funnest things!! That picture with Shawn looks like it should be a cartoon! Your little fam is so cute.
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