The BIGGEST and BEST news of all is Jake (my oldest brother) proposed to his girlfriend Angela! We are so excited that Jake found Angela and can't wait for her to become an official part of our family... one single brother left besides Griffin.
On Christmas Eve I had all my siblings over for our traditional Christmas Eve ritual. I make my Mom's classic potato salad that she used to make every year. It's a family fave. I wish I could eat some right now!

We had 2 very excited little ones!

Every year we act out the nativity on Christmas Eve and last month my sewing group made nativity costumes. It was a lot of work. I actually cut patterns while others sewed because noone trusted me on a machine but I'm so glad we did it because my family will enjoy these for years to come. (sure beats last years silky blankets)

a wiseman and shepherd

weston the donkey

mary and joseph

Everyone in costume... a cow, 3 wiseman (jason is holding a martinelli's in his hand by the way), joseph and mary, the angel, a sheep and shepherd, donkey in front. I was the narrator but I do have one more shepherd costume for whomever would like to join next year! Thanks to my family. They were all troopers especially Jason... can't you tell he
loves our traditions?!

The next tradition is everyone opens pjs to wear on Christmas morning. Avaree and Weston already got their pjs so they opened new bedtime stories. We set our stockings out and treats for Santa and his reindeer and put the kids to bed so Santa could come!

The rule on Christmas morning is everyone has to gather in my room first before they are allowed to look at the tree or their stockings. We have a family prayer before and then all go out together to see what Santa brought.

Santa brought Avaree a big girl bike!

Weston didn't care what Santa brought him... he was happy with the the spongebob square pants bandaids in his stocking and the skittles.

This girl now has more little pet shop than she knows what to do with. They entertain her for hours though and she plays so cute with them.

Baylee gave very thoughtful gifts this year. Jason loves to fish and his tackle box was old and nasty. Baylee bought him a new tackle box and cleaned out his old one and organized all his fishing gear in this new one! For me, she put little notes on all my gifts... for example... she gave me an apple slicer that I mentioned I wanted months ago and had forgotten about and along with it was a note that said, "you make my life simpler and better." So thoughtful! I would NOT have survived this Christmas without her either... she wrapped almost all of the presents. She was my lifesaver!

Bay and Griff got their much anticipated Ipods.

It was a WHITE Christmas. In fact it was a blizzard. We hardly slept on Christmas Eve because the wind was so loud against our house. It sure was pretty though.

Look at those cheeks... it was TOO cold to sled.

Lastly... Weston with his new truck in the background that he pushes around ALL day. I took this picture right before his nap. Look how tired he looks... this boy needs his sleep! Some days he takes 4 to 5 hour long naps. It's nice to get a break but I can't do anything out of the house because heaven for bid if this boy doesn't get his sleep. Oh life with a fiesty 2 year old! Avaree is fiesty too... I guess I have Jason to thank for that.
Happy New Year Everyone!
cute pictures Karlin! Sounds like you had a fun holiday. Thanks for the call today.. Thanks for letting me cry! Love you!
what fun christmas tradition you have! your family is so blessed. i love the picture of your home covered in snow. talk about a white christmas!
I can't get over your white-washed house...I got cold just looking at it!
I love that you guys do the nativity scene and those costumes are adorable!
I'm glad you clarified that Jason was holding a Martinelli's in that picture. It looked pretty suspicious...
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