Today my Mother would be 55. I can't pass up an oppurtunity to write about her! My tribute last year was perfect. I really recommend you go back and read it. This year and every year... is a little bittersweet for me. Christmas time reminds me of my Mom... the traditions, the songs, the feeling in the air, her birthday, and all the Christmas memories we have together. Christmas is a time for families! I remember her last Christmas I had to help Santa Clause for her because she was too sick. That night was tough for me because I somewhat realized I was going to have to give up being a child and give up having a mother around who always made things so special. I didn't want to let that go. Little did I know that almost 5 months later I would really have to step it up.
This past month, more than ever, I have been overwhelmed with the shoes I have to fill. And at the same time I feel so blessed that I get to fill them. I feel so lucky that I get to be the one who is cheering Baylee and Griffin on at their games, and be the one who is amazed by their good grades, and be the one who gets to speak at Baylee's YW in Excellence. The responsibility is overwhelming but they are such blessings in my life and I know my Mom is proud of them.
Jason makes fun of my family because we have so many "traditions." He doesn't come from a very traditional family but our silly traditons brought my family together and we are close today because of them (because we can't break a tradition)! I used to be horrible at taking pictures but I found the few times we did take pictures was around the holidays. It's such a special time. This picture was one of my Mom's last birthdays. She had just had her spleen removed because it was full of cancer. It was a brutal surgery. They cut down the center of her body to clean out as much cancer as they could. She didn't feel well but she got up to celebrate because that is what we do! I love how Griffin's arm is around her.
This picture was taken that same Christmas. I was in town from California because Jason and I lived away at that time. She couldn't pass up any moment to spend with me. I should have made her stay in bed but she got up and showered and pretended like she felt well so we could do things together that we liked to do. Doesn't she look good for just having a major surgery? I remember that day like it was yesterday. I even remember the weather. I miss our conversations.
Jason, Baylee, Griffin and I were playing Loaded Questions the other night and one of the questions was "if you had one wish what would it be?" We all gave the same answer and "wished that our Mom was still alive." We miss her but we are so grateful for the Mom she was and the traditions we get to carry on.
I recommend starting a tradition with your family and sticking to it. Your kids will have memories they will always remember and cherish. Merry Christmas... 5 more days.
Happy Birthday to Aunt Karol! i miss her too, she was so amazing. Hope you guys have a great day remembering the wonderful person that she was.
What an amazing Mom! I am sure she is so proud of the Mother you are today. I have a ton of traditions in my family, but I had to steal a few from Jared's family too. Have a Merry Christmas!
This is a really beautiful post. I am SURE that your mom is really proud of the mother you are and how much you care for and love Baylee and Griffin. They are luck to have you. :)
Karlin, I soo look up to you even though we really only communicate through blogging. Your mom is beautiful and I'm sure very very proud.
Merry Christmas.
That was super sweet, happy birthday to your mother. I know she is so proud to have a daughter like you!!
Hope you are having a merry christmas!
You are so sweet. I love how you love to talk about your mom. It's so inspiring how young you are and all that you do for your family.
Thanks for all the nice comments. I'm grateful to have such good friends!
What are some of your family's Christmas traditions? I'm always looking for new ideas to add to our traditions. I like having a lot of traditions too.
Make it a tradition to always write about your mom. especially the little things. I love the old pictures. Bay and Griff look so little. They were. And so were you. You have really grown up these past few years and it's not fair that you have to do SO MUCH during this time of year.. but, there is no one could do it better. You do it ALL so well. Love you and I hope you know that you are an example to so many (just like your mom was!) Happy Birthday to beautiful Karol!
i love your posts about your mom even though i always cry when i read them. you're so sweet, as is your whole family. i've been lucky to associate with you guys more the past few months. i can feel of your strength and your moms strength.
thanks for sharing.
You have such a great perspective on life experiences, traditions and family! You have such a beautiful family and you are an awesome example to me. Thank you!
I was just going to tell you that the "Elf on the Shelf book" is cheaper if you get it on (or you can check at Thanksgiving point after Christmas). It really is a fun tradition ;)
Merry Christmas!
I always tear up when you write about your mom. What a great way to keep her memory alive and share with others what a great lady she was. I know I've told you before, but I really admire you so much Karlin. It is so obvious that the Lord chose you to be a blessing to your mom and her children. I can only imagine how happy she is to know that her younger children are in such capable and loving hands.
I always get the chills and that fussy feeling when you have posts about your mom!! You are amazing because of her!
Karlin, i love when you write about your mother. When you write about her it brings tears to my eyes. You're an amazing person!
Thanks again everyone... Leslie I love that you wrote I am amazing because of her. I am the person I am today because of her definitely. I was really lucky to have her as a Mom. She was my best friend and it is really hard to live without someone you LOVED so much.
i love you Karlin Kessler! (and the whole kessler krew)
You're A-M-A-Z-I-N-G
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