No joking... I left Avaree alone for 15 minutes while I posted about Memorial Day and look what she did...
She took off her clothes and colored black stripes on herself like a zebra!! (and got into some Nestle Quik, hence the chocolate on her face.) Are you kidding me??

She even got her back side. I got her in the tub after and it did NOT come off. She is going to be striped for days. What do you do?

She also planted a plant.

And made a birthday cake for Uncle Trevor.
I know you are thinking that was longer than 15 minutes. She did make the plant and cake mess before she became the zebra but it didn't take long for her to get into
a lot of mischief. Some days I just can't keep up with her!
That is the best!! Seriously, what is the big deal.. so she has a few lines on her for a couple of days.. who really cares, right? The pictures are priceless and I love that little striped bum. She will love those pictures when she is a teenager. Too funny!
oh, and the plant is cute too. And I totally believe you that it can be done in 15 minutes! she is such a creative little thing!
I cant believe it. That is the best photo ever. I love the pen all over. What I want to know is how long it took to get that off of her! Wow, good luck with that friend. But in all that, look how cute her face looks!
NO WAY!! Ummm I'm speachless, what do you say to that... and her cute little face is all striped out. What an imagination huh. Don't you just love being a mom:) That will be a great pic to pull out when she's married with kids of her own :)
Hilarious! I know the feeling all to well! Sounds like memorial was a great weekend! Your awesome
She's expressive. GREAT!!!
So Avaree has had 3 baths since and it is still not off. She has been cute about it though. As we were trying to scrub it off with soap the other day, she kept saying... "Don't worry, Mom."
OH MY GOODNESS! That's the funniest thing I've seen in a long time!
I'm weren't kidding. Oh my gosh...Karlin! Oh she is so cute though...she is just a doll w/ black stripes! I'm crying that is so funny!
Awesome...I am so sorry but this is so funny. I would be dying if Camden did anything close to this. Atleast she has a good imagination!! Really look what she can do in 15 mins....that would take me all day!
Ok- those are some great pictures! She is obviously in touch with her creative side! Love it!
That is HILARIOUS!!! She looks like the cutest little zebra I have ever seen!
This is great. So glad you have it documented for later days. It's amazing what trouble they can get into in such little time!
If that was Bennett I would freak out, but it is so cute and funny that it is Avaree. She is silly. She took all of her clothes off first, that is the best part. Those will be great pictures for her to see later in life.
Wow! Greg and I can't stop laughing. She is sooo cute! I am sure she keeps you on your toes~!
That is ADORABLE!!! I'm glad you took pictures to torture her with when she gets older! So funny and darling! Love, Melanie
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