The Temple
Nothing is better than a temple wedding! It's so nice to take a moment to reflect on what is most important especially after all the craziness from the week. I look forward to days like this because I know my Mom is there for the big events that happen in our lives. The sealer mentioned that he could strongly feel the presence of angels. I feel so lucky to have my Mom as my guardian angel!
Avaree was so excited for the wedding and loved helping with all the preparations. She thought she was the bride but who wouldn't in that dress? Ligia's aunt made all the dresses including Ligia's. They looked so cute!
My Mom's side of the family
Weston did NOT want to pose with the girls. He was tired. I'm actually sad because I didn't get a single picture of Avaree and Weston together.
Jason and I got married on May 6th at the Salt Lake Temple, exactly 8 years ago. It was fun to reminice. The tulips were in full bloom just like at our wedding and we have a wedding picture sitting on this very bench. It was neat to get a family picture 8 years and 4 kids later!

My friend, Sandy, volunteered to cook ALL the food! It was SO nice of her and I feel like it was too much to ask of someone. She worked her tail off. It was delicious and I'm so grateful she would do that for me. Thanks Sandy! I wish I had a better picture of the food and everything set up.... maybe the photographer got some. It was beautiful. Also, thanks to all my aunts who brought veggies and desserts. We needed the help! We actually over did it but I'm proud to say that we have eaten almost all the left overs!
Flower girls (Ligia's Mom sewed all the bows around the chairs and the tableclothes.)
This was one of the bouquets! The flowers were my favorite part. They made everything gorgeous! Thanks to my talented Aunt Deann and Michelle for doing the flowers.
Weston with Jason's Dad. He was SO tired.
One of Ligia's Aunts made the cake from SCRATCH at my house! Who does that? It was good too!
Jason hates weddings. I'm surprised I got him to smile for a picture. In fact I don't even think I took this picture.
Mexicans have all sorts of wedding traditions. They know how to party and dance! One tradition is the money dance. You take turns dancing with the groom and bride and pin money on them. Good tradition, huh? They made some big bucks!
Doing the money dance with Brady.
Griffin doing the money dance with Ligia. I love this picture.
Ligia and her family know how to get down. They are seriously professional dancers. My family needs to take lessons from them.
Quick family pic before Jason took the kids home to bed. The reception went until 10:30! Way too late! I was exhausted and overwhelmed by the end of the night. Thanks to everyone who stayed to help me clean up!!
The Dinner and Reception
We had a few hang ups... we couldn't get the wedding video to work, I stored cheesecake in a fridge that wasn't turned on (at one the homes Jason is building), the dinner started 40 minutes late, we forgot the bunson burners and had to run and get some (Thanks Uncle Richard), and I should have assigned people to help serve and clean up. It was too much for me to do. I was a little overwhelmed. Now I know, right? Everything else turned out great. Brady and Ligia had a good time and that is what really matters. It was really, really nice especially compared to Jason and I's humble beginning.
Ligia and her family know how to get down. They are seriously professional dancers. My family needs to take lessons from them.
Sounds like a crazy day! What a nice sister you are- I can't believe how much you did. We had my brother-in-laws wedding at our house last summer and I will tell you that it will take you at least a full week to recooperate after the madness. :)
Your family is adorable.
WOW! Everything looks like it went so GREAT!!! Loved the cake... can't believe it was made from scratch in your kitchen!! And Avaree looks so darn cute in that poofy white dress!! Congrats to the new couple!!!
You did an amazing job! Everyone and everything looks great!
Happy Anniversary to you and Jason! I hope you were able to get away and do something romantic. I was going to call you yesterday.. but somehow never got around to it. Deb is in town for a few days, so our house is a crazy one!
Anyway, I love all the pictures. I am really regretting not being there for you! I knew I should have come. It looks like a total party and they look so happy! Now only four more wedding to go until you have to plan your kids!!! Again.. you are wonderwoman! love you, Kar!
Karlin... looks like everything turned out so nice for the wedding!! I'm so glad. I talked with my sister Julie & she said you were amazing getting everything done & being totally if you really were stressed out to the max, you didn't show it!! :) Happy Anniversary too! Ryan & I will share anniversaries with Brady & Ligia...we just celebrated our 5th on Saturday! Crazy how time flies.
WOW!! How do you pull something like that off! CRAZY!!
Great Job! Everybody looks really happy!
Oh I loved the money dance at my reception too. Latins can stay up dancing until they drop. What a beautiful couple and wedding!
Weddings are just the best! i loved the pics. especially the one of your family on the bench. it is amazing how much things change in a few short years. that is really neat, Kar. Your family is wonderful.
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