On May 31st as we are thinking about my Mother we are also celebrating the life of Jason's Dad!
Randy is such a good Grandpa... whenever he is around I don't have to worry about my kids because I know they are in good hands.

Randy is so good looking and fit for his age. One of Ligia's aunts at the wedding could NOT get over that Randy was Jason's Dad. She kept saying over and over... "he looks GOOD" in her latin accent.

Randy is honestly a spiritual rock. He is a convert to the church and he always stayed faithful during his life and been a great example to his children. He is doing all his families genealogy and temple work. He goes to the temple at least once a week with a stack full of names to do. My family has truly been blessed because of his faithfulness. Jason would not be active today if it weren't for him so I am forever grateful. There are so many things that I love about Randy. He works hard, and he always has a good story to tell! I love that Jason can always call him for advice and I love it when he does because I know that Jason will be given good, righteous advice. I can't tell you how many times we've called Randy for priesthood blessings when we've needed them. We love you Randy and are so grateful for the father, father-in-law and Grandpa you are to us!! Happy Birthday!!
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