you have one of santa's reindeers in your backyard!

this poor deer was definitely not one of santa's. our dog was barking last night around 10:30 pm so we looked outside to see this deer in our backyard. we get deer a lot but they usually run away fast when they hear a noise but this deer was not moving. he could not figure out where he was. jokingly jason said, "maybe he is blind" and sure enough he was! he kept running into our house and seriously missed our window by a foot. we ended up calling the police and the police thought it was a joke. we finally got them to believe us and they came up to help the poor animal. they scared it away from the house and i think they were going to put it out of it's misery but i don't know if they ever found it again. so sad! i've never been so close to a deer though. jason stood just a few feet from it. i'm glad it didn't ram him because jason couldn't do much with his bad back.

this was the window he almost ran through. he stood there for 20 minutes until the cops showed up. there were times it would look straight at us. it was kind of freaky. could you imagine if it broke through our window? anyway... funny story.
That is crazy. I can't believe the poor thing was bling.
Hilarious and so sad!!
that is so random... well, not for where you live probably. is it snowing at your house? brrr...
i love you Karlin. tell everyone in the family, in the KESSLER KREW, i say merry Christmas and i love them! :)
When we lived in Birch Bay our yard was not fenced and backed onto a forest. We had lots of deer come right up to our window. They would stand in the backyard for hours and stare at me through the window. It's weird to have a staring contest with a deer. I think that they were trying to figure out what I was.
One time a raccoon got up on it's hind legs and put it's little hands on the window and peered right in at me. I was sitting right next to the window on the other side and it totally scared me. James thought it was funny that I was scared of a raccoon.
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