Over Memorial Day weekend we went on one last adventure before we add another one to our family. We headed to our old stomping ground...
Aliso Viejo, CA
Shortly after arriving I had the privilege of dining out and catching up with some of my supermodel girlfriends.
Sara, Me, Summer, and Kristi

We all have kids the same ages. Summer and I are both expecting our 3rd. (I get to brag about you for a sec Sum) Summer is my
famous friend. :) She is David Archuleta's stylist and looks great considering she was out until 3 am the night before at the American Idol finale! It was fun to catch up and compare bellies. She is tiny.
beauty-full friends. glad you were able to hook up with everyone. What a trip, eh? It's amazing what we do to go on a "vacation" but once it's over and the pictures are posted, it seems worth it.
HOLY COW- I look so bad! Blood shot eyes, greasy hair and HUGE belly! We are the same size and yet you are 3 weeks ahead of me! NO FAIR. It was a really fun night and it was so fun to see you! Your belly is so little and tan!
Ohh that looks like a ton of fun!! Totally worth the drive. You look adorable pregnant I have no idea of what you are talking about.
it was so much fun getting to spend some time with you after 5! YEARS! it was nice meeting your friend Sara too. that reminds me, i need to check her blog.
Karlin-I'm so glad I got to spend some time with you, i miss you. Dinner was fun, too bad I didn't get the memo to wear a dress and look cute, oops, it was still fun. I hope we can see you again soon.
WOW! What a trip! I didn't see any stretch marks on that cute belly. What's your secret??? Looks like you had SO much fun. I think I need a vacation... Let's go camping! :)
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