The hotel we stayed at was amazing. We had fun lounging by the pool and Baylee and Griffin hit up the indoor basketball courts as often as they could.

This boy needs a life jacket. He jumps but he
can't swim.

The weather and landscaping was beautiful. We forgot how beautiful it really is. I miss the weather.

32 weeks

We got to shop at Sole Technology's warehouse. Thanks to my dear friend, Larissa. We miss the hook ups too!

That night we headed to Scott and Larissa's for a yummy BBQ. Baylee and Griff played some rock band.

Avaree was in heaven gathering rolly polys. She probably had 12 in that cup.

Good ole pals... Larissa's Dad, Greg (Scott's brother), Jeremy (we missed Jill), Scott, Jared, and Jason.

More supermodel friends... Lindsey, Larissa, and Larissa's Mom. Larissa's parents were in town from Vancouver and thankfully shared them with us for a night.

Jared and Lindsey, Scott and Larissa, Jason and I. Scott and Jason are old business partners... back in the day we were all inseperable. Oh how life has changed the past 5 years. We LOVE and MISS you guys! Thanks for your hospitality.
love that preggo belly. can you believe everyone is having BOYS? even more reason to be neighbors...
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