My brother, Jake, and his fiance, Angela, are in town right now so I hosted a bridal shower for Angela over the weekend. The wedding isn't until August 1st but I'm glad to have the shower over with before I have the baby...
Me (7 mos prego) with tall, skinny Angela (note: I have heels on and she doesn't). It will be nice to have some heighth in our family! I guess we have Jason. :)

Look who made it... cute, little recovering Emma who is starting to grow her hair back!

Angela's Mom came dressed just like her Mom (same outfit, wig and all) to prove that once Angela gets married she will turn into her Mother.

Opening gifts. Avaree assisted in opening each one.

The winner for coolest, most creative gift was this cute money tree! Avaree was caught with a stash of rolled up dollar bills in her room. I have a little clepto on my hands. Funny that she knows to steal the "good stuff" if you know what I mean. I bet you can guess what we've been focusing our family home evening lessons on.
We can't wait for the wedding!
You are SO tiny!!!
Oh... my belly is actually hidden pretty well in that picture. I'm really not and I'm growing everyday!
Congrats to Jake and his beautiful fiance. You are skinny! I totally agree with the first comment!!! I am enormous!!! Looks like the shower was awesome and a big hit!!
sorry i missed it. that money tree Is a great gift idea. you can never have too much cash when you get married, but you can have too many toasters. (we got 6 - no joke!) congrats to the couple! ps by 7 months i was swollen like the stay puffed marshmellow man - you look FANTASTIC!!!!
karlin: i am so sorry we couldn't make it, i would have love to have been there. it was a crazy day for us with Ella's blessing and my bday, by the way you look so cute prego.
Karlin - I have decided that you are such a supermodel. You look so beautiful in all of these pictures!
you are such a great hostess, Karlin. Glad that you were able to get the shower done before the baby comes. You look great. your face is glowing!
do you have the incredibly shrinking bump or what?
You seem like the best hostess! I am excited for your new baby to come. I went private, so I want you to email me so I can invite you. My email should be on your "permissions" tab.
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