Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Snowboarding 101

My friend Alison's boys were taking a snowboarding lesson on Monday (because the kids didn't have school) and she talked me into doing one with her. I've always wanted to learn but it is such a process because you need all the gear, it's expensive, and I need a babysitter but I decided to do it and I'm so glad I did!

It was such a beautiful day. My nose got sunburned.

Alison on the lift

Alison snowboarding (I'm actually in the background)

There I am (with my funny blue gloves, they are actually Baylee's. I don't even own a pair)

We spent a lot of time on our bottoms

I am so SORE. I haven't been able to move for the last 3 days.

Us with our private instructor, Eric. All the instructors gave us a hard time for living in Utah most our lives and never snowboarding. (Alison used to ski but I haven't even done that... okay, once) But it was about time I learned!

It was a lot of fun. I'm still not good but at least I can say I've done it and I can make it down the kiddie hill! I am paying for it now though because my body is killing me!! It was a work out. Hopefully I can go again soon to practice what I learned. We'll see.


Tracy said...

You look like you're a quick learner! I think that the best way to get through the snowy winter months is to embrace the snow and the winter activities. There's a lot of fun things you can do in the cold if you have a warm coat!

janet said...

I am glad you were able to go and I am so jealous! it is expensive and takes all day, but it's SO worth it! the scenery looks beautiful and you look way to tan to be in a snow outfit! when Fran gets better we should all go together..